Water Treatment Plant

Comfort engineering, is an engineering importer and service provider in areas of HVAC (Supply, Installation, Testing  and Commissioning and all HVAC Spares), Tusk Boiler Supply, Air Compressors (Supply & Spares), Industrial Water  Quality Management (Cooling and Boiler Water Treatment Supply and Services, RO Water Treatment ), Aquaculture  – 

Chemicals for ponds and rivers, Water Treatment Plants, Waste Water Treatments, Industrial & Commercial Air  Puri cation Technologies . We also have a separate line of specialty and maintenance chemicals for various  industries .We have footprints across – Pharmaceuticals, Steel Mills, Hotels , Hospitals, Tobacco industries, Power  Plants, Textiles & Spinning Mills and Commercial Buildings. 

Iron Removal plant

Iron Removal plant

RO Plant

RO Plant

Softner Plant

Softner Plant